Monday, January 30, 2012

Home-made Pizza

Last night, Dalton and I decided to make some pizza at home from scratch instead of paying $20+ for both of us at a restaurant that offers gluten-free pizza. (Dalton found out he was intolerant to gluten-last year, so we've been eating more gluten-free...which is better for the body anyway, so it works out!) After getting all the ingredients we needed at Sprout's, it was only $9 for two pizzas plus leftover ingredients. I'm starting to love Sprouts more and more everyday! :)

I made chicken alfredo pizza...I tasted a sample of some frozen one at Costco the other day and it was SO good, so I had to make my own.

Dalton had a craving for peperoni..haha he likes it well done.


  1. oh how funn!!!! what is sprouts? a grocery store?

    1. Yeah, it's a natural food/health food store, like Henry's or Fraiser Farms :)


What do you think? :)