Monday, April 9, 2012


This year, I went over to my mom's house for Easter. She made steak, potatoes, brussel sprouts, carrots, and some sort of bread. Her and Kevin have been seeing a specialist about their nutrition, so they're moving on to whole and naturally organic foods! I wanted to send my grandma something a little special for letting me borrow money for Spain, so my brother and I had an adventure with my mom's camera and the tripod.
My brother was debating whether or not this "spot" was good for a picture for Grandma, so while he was trying to learn how to use the camera, I stood there being no help at all. I saw this and thought I would try my hand at editing (with the very limited photo shop software I have on my computer). I REALLY want to take a photography and editing class one of these days! My schedule is always just too packed! Sometimes I think it will be okay if I don't get into nursing school again, because then I will have plenty of time in my schedule to take one! But...then I think of how much I miss my science classes. Haha, yes I would still really like to get into nursing school this year!

 This is my brother trying to make the remote control clicker work...haha took him like 15 minutes :)

And finally! What we sent to the fam (better quality of course)

I tried to get one of Dalton and me, but the good pictures somehow got deleted, so I was only left with this one :/ Typical...what a freak.

My dad and Melissa went to Georgia to meet my Grandma, Aunt and Uncle in Savannah, so we didn't get the usual jelly bean hunt at their house! They get the every-flavorjelly belly beans and COLOR match them to everything in the house, it's actually really hard! Haha, and the older we got, the harder they made it for us. And of course, my dad doesn't want old jelly beans laying around for years, so the jelly beans would get counted and we weren't allowed to stop until they were all found.

I miss the days when all my siblings would be around for the holidays...jelly beans and all!


  1. you are the cutest thing. thanks for updating your blog so I can see what you are doing! your family lives in savannah? i want to go there so bad!

    1. Hahaha well you are my #1 fan! :) I've been trying to show my other family how to gonin here and look, but idk if they have! My family is in northern Georgia, in a little town called Rome, but I think my Dad and Uncle had business near Savannah or something so they got together at some hotel there for Easter. Haha I've always looked for a friend to make a trip out there to visit them, you would LOVE it. I should bring you next time I go :)


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