Saturday, May 12, 2012

Spanish Host Family Info

I just got my email about where my host family lives and who they are! I thought my family didn't provide an email, so I can't contact before my trip, but looking back right now, I just found it! I'll be emailing her tonight! (Hopefully I don't butcher my castellano Spanish) But it's getting more real as the days get closer! I can't believe I will be there in 6 DAYS!!

Here's a clip of the info I got about my family:

Felisa vive con su esposo Fernando y con sus dos hijas, Miriam de 15 años y Henar de 13. Las dos están estudiando. Fernando es abogado y Felisa cuida de su familia.
La casa está muy bien situada en el centro de la ciudad (zona San Juan). Está muy cerca de la Plaza de la Universidad, centro de reunión de universitarios con buen ambiente. Al estar en el centro de la ciudad puedes ir caminando a cualquier parte aunque las líneas de autobuses urbanos más importantes pasan muy cerca de la casa. 

What this says is:
 "Felisa (my host "mom") lives with her husband Fernando and their two daughters: Mirian 15 years old and Hernar is 13. Both of her daughters are students, the dad is a lawyer and the Felisa is a stay at home mom. 
Their house it located perfectly in the center of the city and is very close to the plaza of the University I will be going to (where all the students hang out). Being located in this part of the city makes you able to walk to whatever part you want with easy access to the buses close to home"

Here is a map of where I will be living. The plaza of the university is in the top left corner. My house is the one with red circles around it, apparently next to a school of English. I'm not sure what all these other building are, but I believe they're pieces of the university. Plenty of bus stops too! I wish we had good public transportation here!

I can't wait!! I hope I hear back from my host family before I leave!! :D


  1. facebook stalk them! then you two can be buddies! :)

  2. Haha I wonder if I could even find them on Facebook! I bet you there are a billion people with that name, haha an I don't even know what they look like


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