I made a very bad decision to take a winter class...Latin American Politics Through Film, to be exact. I was trying to catch up on my Spanish major while they actually offered an upper division Spanish class over the winter. Very rare!! Haha I guess I didn't realize how burnt out I was until I started ANOTHER two week class during my beautiful 5 week (much needed) break after my introduction to nursing school :(
SO, after I finished that class, I celebrated with a trip up to Big Bear for snowboarding. I didn't get to go last year because I was so busy with school and work and really couldn't afford it. So this year, even though I can't afford it even more, I forced myself to make it happen!
It was a perrrrfect day for snowboarding. And it even snowed the day before, putting a finishing touch on the mountain. We even waited in an hour long line to get past chains check. And OF COURSE we didn't even need them! There was NO SNOW on the road!! I think we passed by maybe 2 small patches of snow in the road that were probably the size of my two feet together, haha. Thanks mountain cops...

After 6 years of riding on my board (that I got for a huuuge discount) the sale-quality is starting to show itself and my board is breaking apart :( Sad day...at least it wasn't the main strap that broke so I could at least attempt to make a few more runs down the mountain, haha
What used to be a shiny white Suburban, haha
After it got too dark, windy, and FUHREEZING to stay on the mountain, we went down the road to the MOST DELICIOUS Mexican place I've ever been too. I used to come here all the time when I visited the mountain in high school, and I have no idea how I forgot about it. When I was up here in the fall to go fishing, I remembered about it when I was driving by and rediscovered its wonders!
Grant got a FIVE pound wet burrito. Haha that thing was nearly as big as he was!
This picture doesn't make them look appetizing, but I've never had fajitas more delicious ever in my life!! I'm seriously addicted. Why does Big Bear have to be over 100 miles away!! I will seriously make a trip back up here soon just to visit Esperanza's. MMMMM!!! :D
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