On Easter, my brother and I spent the morning with my mom and Kevin for Easter breakfast. Mmmmm :) My mom's the best because she makes sure everything is "Katie proof" if she can manage! GLuten free and dairy free! She even found me some organic turkey bacon! Yummaaay.
Later, we went over to our Aunt Dale's house for Easter lunch and an egg hunt with the kids. They've recently moved into a huge beautiful house in the "ranches" of Vista. It's so pretty back there!
My Uncle Ed took us around the property showing us all their cool fruit trees in their orchard. This green spiky fruit is called a rambutan. And it HURTS! Haha, I stabbed myself too many times with that thing. I guess, when it's ready to eat, it turns deep pink/red and you can cut it open to a white egg-like shaped fruit that tastes kinda like a grape! Like this:

SO COOL, right?!
They also had a bunch of cherimoya trees. I've heard of this fruit before, but never seen it. It's suppose to have anti-cancer, anti-malarial, anti-wormy (that's how I like to refer to anti-helminthes) properties.
The only fruit they had that I actually tried was this sapote. And it was good! I guess it was used to sweeten food instead of cane sugar, before it became popular and accessible. But I'm sure they still use it. It's really sweet and it seems like foreign exotic areas like this usually have their nutrition figured out a little better than us fools up here in the US, haha.
Anyway, I just thought this was really cool! I think the rambutan is a south Asian thing and the sapote and cherimoya is from South America. I can't wait to start growing some exotic trees of my own! Delicious!! :)
After lunch, the kids did their Easter egg hunt...guerrilla style. We did this when I was we were kids too. They find an egg, take out the money, take it to the sidelines and we throw the empty eggs at them to freeze them. Haha, it kinda give the babies a chance to get ahead.
And like usual, the golden egg was lost. Even the golden egg hider couldn't find it, haha. Right as we were about to give up, Mikey found it in a bush no one even thought of looking in for some reason!
This year, they set up a mini (and super hard) egg hunt for the "big kids" (age 35 and under) and between the 6 of us, we had to find 21 eggs. 2 off which were worth "big" money. Some of them were hard!! I found out at the end, that I looked under a statue and thought I saw nothing under it, and it ended up being the egg with the most money in it! Haha ugh, I've learned my lesson about not being thorough...
Afterwards, the kids went up to play in the pool, and I wish I brought my swimsuit, because I ended up getting just as wet! The kids made me go on the zip over the pool with my clothes on...and I didn't end up falling, but the splashing got me just as much!
I never realized how big their property was at this house, I'd only been inside the main living area before. They have a beautiful house! Definitely worth the move!
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