Saturday, May 19, 2012

Time to Say Goodbye, America!

This week has been crazy hectic with final exams, projects, and essays. Not to mention getting ready for my study abroad in Spain! But now I am all ready to go and will be leaving soon for an amazing month-long trip in Europe! I still can't believe I'm probably won't hit me until I get there. I'm just relieved to have finished my hours from the hospital and left all my classes knowing I have As. Hoping to come home to see a nursing school acceptance letter! But for now, I must go study at a school found in 1241!! Ahhhh! Goodbye everyone, I will miss you all! :)

My LAST day at Tri-City hospital. Officially 202 hospital hours officially! YAY!!

My American treats for the Spaniards...


  1. I love the treats you are taking your host family! what fun ideas! I think I will take some of the same things (especially peanut butter). Whats the weather supposed to be like in Spain anyways?

  2. Yes, it took a lot of brainstorming to come up with that! Without it being too much, haha. The weather here is pretty much like the weather in San Diego. Upper 60s to low 80s depending. Today when we got here it was cloudy and then rained and then it was just over cast for the rest of the night. It got dark at like 10pm here!!


What do you think? :)