Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Halloween (x3)

This year, I celebrated Halloween...3 times!! Haha I was so happy. I was starting to get sad thinking that I'm gunna have to lay off Halloween a little more since I'm getting older, but it's my favorite holiday! So, somehow, we ended up having 3 Halloween celebrations! :D

The first night was Friday (a week before Halloween). My friend, Eric's sister was having a Werewolf Barmitzva dance party at their house. They always through the cutest parties. Earlier this year they had a Valentine's Day "prom" at their house and it was so much fun!

So, I threw together my first costume...80's aerobic instructor

On the night of real Halloween, my friends and I decided to go to downtown San Diego and explore whatever was going on down there. It was PACKED! But it was a lot of fun seeing every one flood the streets of downtown walking around in ridiculous costumes.

On a side note, we saw a drunk guy get barely get hit by a car! He flew up in the air SO high and landed on his head. Goes to show how much of an impact a car can have on a human body...and this guy was going 10mph tops.

The best part was he was hit right next to 3 cop cars with at least 10 cops hanging around...nice job.
So, I found some 99 cent cat ears at Walmart after a day of studying and threw together a kitty cat costume! :) 

A couple days after Halloween, McKenzie and I threw a Halloween dance party at her house. My friend is an "up-and-coming" DJ and we had him practice his skills for us that night. It was a lot of fun!

I'm seriously a Halloween freak! I love it too much!

This time I grabbed my dad's cape (not sure why he had one) and created a superhero out of myself ;) boyfriend was an Asian school girl samari this year. I have no idea where he got that idea from. Maybe it's because he likes weird ninja movies too much...

Even a few of my nursing friends were able to make it! I love that they're always willing to do something to unwind with me and every one else...especially after a long week of classes!

On top of having the opportunity to celebrate my favorite holiday THREE times, I only spent under $8 for all three costumes. 99 cent cat ears and a $6 cat tail, plus some tax! That's what I call a deal!


  1. Halloween is so fun! We never do ANYTHING for it, I wish we got more in the spirit!

    1. Do you guys get trick-or-treaters a lot up there? I would think so since there are so many more young married people with bunches of kids. Haha I could definitely see Jordan doing a "haunted" front porch and jumping out and scaring kids...haha


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