Friday, April 6, 2012

Boleto para España=pagado!!

It's official!! 
I have purchased my flight to Spain! I can't believe how EXCITED I am!! I can't wait the 6 weeks until I leave! Europe is going to be amazing...

My flight leave 5:55pm on Saturday, May 19th and I get to Spain the next day at 2:15! (A perfect 3.5 hours before the bus with my school leaves for Valladolid)

I scurried to get all my paperwork filled out in one night. They're sending the papers over to Spain this weekend so they can coordinate who goes with what family and such.

Got my extra passport pictures this morning on my way to work at the hospital. Haha, I had just gotten out of bed so my host family is just gunna have to envision me as tired Katie.

Paid my deposit and don't have to pay in full until next week. The lady who is coordinating this for us thinks she found a way to lower to price about $100, so hopefully I will save on that because I paid $100 more on my than I wanted to! It's crazy how fast the prices went up in less than 12 HOURS! But it's okay, because I'll be in Europe! :)

So, I'm all ready to go! Just gotta dust off my passport (literally) and wait 42 days to get on a plane to Europe! (And finish 6 remaining classes in the semester). I can barely believe I am actually going! I am so happy I have this opportunity to finally go, and so last minute too! 

A special thanks to my Grandma for letting me loan enough money to be able to buy my flight so last minute! You're the BEST! I will make this trip a great one because you made it happen! :)

I will be taking my "placement test" for my classes at University of Valladolid within the next couple weeks. It's not really a test, I'll get into whatever class I wanted no matter what, but I think my professor just likes to play power games. Haha, he really is a funny man. I had him for my SPAN 301 course (Basic Verbal Communication) and he did whatever the heck he wanted (and not a lot of "verbal communication" at all). He is a very energetic Spaniard and has severe ADD, but he knows everything in the world! He speaks 13 or 14 languages and gets side tracked pretty much constantly. It's going to be really great going to Spain with him, because he was born there and will have so many cool things to show us.

The two courses I am taking at the University there are 5 units of an advanced seminar in spanish to learn mainly about the culture there in Spain, and then 1 unit writing 3 essays about our activities just to get extra practice writing, but I'm gunna want to write down these memories anyway! Taking that extra 1 unit class just makes it so I can transfer 2 classes at home at Cal State San Marcos.

I'll be keeping everyone updated on the rest of my preparations for Spain! Hopefully I will hear about my host family soon and I'll let ya know how I do on the "placement test" haha :)


  1. I am BEYOND happy for you! You are following your dream of going on study abroad & europe! Do you know if you'll be able to go anywhere outside of Spain? You are going to love love love it there I'm sure! I hope you have the time of your life! How many people are going? Do you know any other people in your group? Ps; you look so pretty in those little pictures :)

  2. I'm hoping to make a trip to Portugal and France! My dad is buying me EuroRail passes! I don't know if I know anyone yet...I have no idea who is going! (Except these two guys that have sat behind me in Spanish the past two semesters), but I'm hoping I find a good adventure partner who wants to leave the country! There are 25 people going with our group total, and having taken so many Spanish classes, I'm sure I'll know someone else! Hopefully :)


What do you think? :)