Sunday, April 29, 2012

Clean, at last!

It's been almost two weeks since we were robbed, and I am definitely guilty of procrastinating the clean-up process. Right now, I'm incredibly busy with school, volunteering at the hospital, and studying for the TEAS, I just couldn't help but put this stupid mess off, because I didn't even create it! 3 more weeks until I leave for Spain and 2 more weeks of school left. So much to do!

But today, after some poolside TEAS studying, I decided to bust out my cleaning energy. And it took HOURS!!

Here are the BEFORE pictures of the mess throughout the house, right after the robbery:

My room

McKenzie's room

Dean and Kristal's closet

After about 6 hours of cleaning and laundry, my beautifully clean room is back!

I decided to zoom in on the back of the door, since every one asks what it is. Dalton did an art project behind this door, but never finished. It says "Sheep in Society" and he had a good message going there, but he never finished it! I always tell him he needs to finish and SAVE more of his artwork, because he really does have a special talent.

He drew me an anatomically correct heart while I was traveling a few months ago, and I need to find it and frame it up before it gets trapped in his lost abyss of old artwork!


  1. yikeeeees.. there is no doubt that you guys were robbed. thats awful. did they find the people? probably not right.. they seriously tore that place apart. I wonder how long they were in there for. Well im glad you got everything cleaned up.. crazy.

    1. Nope, they were never found. :( And I bet you they are still going at their robbery streak too! We have a cop circling the main street in this area at all times now, so they probably won't come back in to this area. But I wish they would get caught! They have so many reports of people with the same descriptions in the same black Charger! This has to be a big enough lead to find something...there was also something on the news about someone in Vista catching them on a surveillance, but couldn't see their faces! UGH, makes me so angry...

  2. ps; i think daltons artwork would give me nightmares. tell him to draw something happy hahaha

    1. Bahahaha! Yeah, he doesn't do happy very well. He cannnn do it, but only if he's joking around and doesn't take it seriously. Haha he gets very intense with his artwork...I don't think the darkness will ever go away!


What do you think? :)